Isabel Allende
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A Truely Wonderful Pioneer

Without a doubt Isabel Allende has earned her fame wholeheartedly. She has risen up from a country which was torn apart and several tragic deaths in her family. In her novels Allende is different and unique, without striving to be so. She is only herself. Even in interviews and the like she possesses a polite, kind, and genuine character. For all of these reasons Allende is respected both as an artist and as an individual. She continues to inspire writers around the world, not to be like her, but to be themselves.  

            In a time when men dominated the literary movement Allende stood up for women. She stood up proud as a sore thumb in the literary world and reaped the benefits of being different. As her gender got the attention of critics they began to read her stories. They then became enthralled like all Allende readers in the magical tales which she weaves so beautifully. Soon after Allende took the world into the pages of her novels and she did not have to convince them to do so.

            As a woman she has given others hope that their voice might be heard as well. Allende has had her novels translated into over 26 different languages and they have become bestsellers in multiple countries. I know I keep repeating this detail but I feel that it is absolutely amazing and worth saying a few extra times! It is simply breathtaking that one could writing something so wonderful and truly universal that it is read almost everywhere in the world.

            The most impressive aspect of her fame is that she remains human and humble. In interviews she never pushed the release of a new novel or short story. Then again why would she have to. She is able to laugh at herself and her mistakes and she knows she is not superwoman. As a writer from Latin America and with a rich but harsh past Allende has proven to writers all across the globe that anything is possible. Allende has led women through her charity foundation to become positive role models in society.

It can be said that Allende was the pioneer for the magical realism literary movement. Although the movement existed before Allende she made it truly famous. By being a woman she gained attention all over the world and she kept their attention through her intriguing and sometimes controversial novels. Allende is all about the importance of women in society and has given courage to women and a new point of view to men. 


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